Summer flowering
For 2024 we offer you a colourful assortment, enriched with even more bulbous and tuberous plants, perennials and gardening supplies.
Delivery of summer flowers only between February and May.
Dahlia 'Silver Years'
Decorative dahlia waterlily-type, soft pink flowers with a cream-coloured heart. Flower size 11 cm. -
Dahlia 'Soulman'
Dark red, anemone flowered. Flower size 7 cm. -
Dahlia 'Souvenir d' Été'
Pompon dahlia, beautifully shaped, round, orange flowers. Flower size 6 cm. -
Dahlia 'Speech'
Anemone-flowered dahlia with vivid red flowers, above the outer petals are slender, white petals, giving a frivolous effect. The full heart is red. Flower size 11 cm. -
Dahlia 'Stolze von Berlin'
Pompondahlia, lilac-pink flowers. Flower size 6.5 cm. -
Dahlia 'Striped Vulcan'
Yellow with red spots and stripes, height 110-120 cm. Flower size 15-20 cm. -
Dahlia 'Sturm Sweet Maria'
Decorative dahlia, colouring from apricot to soft pink. Flower size 12 cm. -
Dahlia 'Sunshine'
The single flowers are red and yellow. This beautiful dark leaved. Height 70cm. Flowersize 6-8 cm. -
Dahlia 'Sweet Fabienne'
Nicely shaped, globular flowers, pink. Flower size 11 cm. Very suitable as a cut flower. -
Dahlia 'Sweet Suzanne'
Nicely shaped, globular flowers, salmon pink. Flower size 9 cm. Very suitable as a cut flower. -
Dahlia 'Sylvia'
Balldahlia with beautifully shaped, apricot-orange flowers. -
Dahlia 'Take Off'
Pink anemone flowered dahlia with a white and pink center. Flower size 9 cm. -
Dahlia 'Tartan'
Beautiful white with dark red dahlia, height 100 cm., flower size 20 cm. -
Dahlia 'Teesbrooke Audrey'
Pink with a white collar, height ca. 80 cm. -
Dahlia 'Thomas A. Edison'
Dark violet flowers, height 120 cm., flower size 15-20 cm. -
Dahlia 'Totally Tangerine'
Tangerine coloured (pale orange with a pink glow), height 100 cm., flower size 10-12 cm. -
Dahlia 'Tsuki-Yori-No-Shisha'
Fimbriata dahlia, large, fringed, ivory-white flowers. Flower size 16 cm. -
Dahlia 'Veerle'
Balldahlia with beautifully shaped, dark-pink flowers. Flower size 8 cm. -
Dahlia 'Verrone's Obsidian'
Very dark red dahlia with star-shaped flowers of the Honka type. Flower size approx. 8 cm. -
Dahlia 'Vulcan'
A Beautiful Semi-Cactus-type Dahlia with orange red flowers, 20 cm. across, height 120 cm. -
Dahlia 'Waltzing Mathilda' ™
Semi double flowers, light red with an yellow glow, flower size 11 cm., height 100 cm. -
Dahlia 'White Aster'
Pompondahlia with pure white, small, round flowers. Firm flower stems. Flower size 6 cm. -
Dahlia 'Wittemans Best'
An old familiar variety, but still one of the best red semi-cactus dahlias, flower size 17 cm. -
Dahlia 'Wizard of Lightening'
Decorative dahlia, soft creamy pink. Richly flowering and sturdy plant. Flower size 8 cm. -
Dahlia 'Wizard of Oz'
Beautiful pink, height 80 cm., flower size 5-10 cm. -
Dahlia 'Yellow Perception'
Waterlily-type. Soft yellow with white tops, flower size 10 cm. -
Dahlia 'Zahra'
Anemone-flowered dahlia with white flowers. The full heart is creamy yellow. Flower size 12 cm. -
Dahlia 'Zingaro'
Decorative Dahlia, reddish purple in the bud and heart, but when opening brilliant soft yellow with lilac pink towards the edges. Flower size: 10 cm. -
Dahlia 'Zorro'
Decorative dahlia, red. Flower size 17 cm. -
Dahlia 'Zundert Mystery Fox ®'
Warm orange with a salmon-coloured glow. Flower size 7 cm. -
Dahlia imperialis
(Tree dahlia), height 300-400 cm., single pink flowers, 5-8 cm. If you want to see this flower bloom, you have to plant it in a greenhouse. -
Dahlia imperialis -wit-
The white flowering tree dahlia. Height between three and four meters. The beautiful, single, sometimes semidouble flowers appear late in the autumn, this usually succeeds only in a high greenhouse or orangery. -
Dahlia merckii
Elegant, single, purplish-pink, star-shaped flowers on branched flower stalks. A species from Mexico with finely incised foliage. Airy growth habit. An excellent bee plant. -
Dicentra spectabilis
Bleeding Heart, perennial with nodding, heart-shaped pink and white flowers. Clump-forming, ideal for a place out of full sun. After flowering, cut the plant, it will make fresh green leaves. -
Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba'
Bleeding Heart, perennial with nodding, heart-shaped white flowers. Clump-forming, ideal for a place out of full sun. After flowering, cut the plant, it will make fresh green leaves. -
Dierama ambiguum
Angel's Fishing Rod, Bell. A plant native to South Africa with graceful flower spikes full of magenta-pink bells. For a not too dry habitat in full sun. Flowering can take several years. -
Dierama argyreum
Angel's Fishing Rod, Bell. A plant native to South Africa with graceful flower spikes full of ivory-white bells, a somewhat rarer form. For a not too dry habitat in full sun. Flowering can take several years. -
Dierama dracomontanum
Angel's Fishing Rod, Bell. A plant native to South Africa with dainty flower spikes full of deep pink bells with wavy petals. This is a somewhat lower form. For a not too dry habitat in full sun. Flowering can take several years. -
Dierama igneum
Angel's Fishing Rod, Bell. A plant native to South Africa with dainty flower spikes full of pink-red bells, a somewhat lower form. For a not too dry habitat in full sun. Flowering can take several years. -
Dierama pendulum
Angel's Fishing Rod, Bell. A plant native to South Africa with graceful flower spikes full of pink bells, in which the petals are slightly flared at the bottom. For a not too dry habitat in full sun. Flowering can take several years. -
Dierama pulcherrimum
Angel's Fishing Rod, Bell. A plant native to South Africa with graceful spikes of purple-pink bells. For a not too dry habitat in full sun. Flowering can take several years. -
Dierama pulcherrimum var. album
Angel's Fishing Rod, Bell. A plant native to South Africa with graceful spikes of white bells. For a not too dry habitat in full sun. Flowering can take several years. -
Disporopsis pernyi
A Chinese forest plant related to Solomon's seal. White, lightly scented, pendulous flowers. Evergreen and vigorously growing. -
Disporum flavens
Fairy Bells. An American woodland plant, closely related to Solomon's Seal with beautiful, soft yellow, bell-shaped flowers in spring. After flowering, the shiny black berries appear. -
Dodecatheon meadia 'Aphrodite'
Shooting star, lilac-pink, small yellow heart. Aphrodite is a selection with powerful long flower stems. Perennial with graceful, cyclamen-like flowers, from North America. For a spot in the partial shade on slightly damp ground. Flowering time May-June, after the flowering period the plant goes in rest. -
Dodecatheon meadia 'Queen Victoria'
Shooting star, pink, small yellow heart. Perennial with graceful, cyclamen-like flowers, from North America. For a spot in the partial shade on slightly damp ground. Flowering time May-June, after the flowering period the plant goes in rest. -
Dodecatheon pulchellum 'Red Wing'
Shooting star, deep purple-red, striking. Perennial with graceful, cyclamen-like flowers, from North America. For a spot in the partial shade on slightly damp ground. Flowering time May-June, after the flowering period the plant goes in rest. -
Dracunculus vulgaris
(Arum dracunculus), purple, very large dark-colored inflorescence. Height 50 cm. Flowering period: Mai-June. The smell is unpleasant.Available to order from June 2025