Grootbloemige gladiolen. Perfecte, imposante snijbloemen. Hoogte 90-150 cm. Zone 9-11. Bolmaat 12/14.
Kleinbloemig gladiolen. Door de plantopbouw ontstaan er mooie verticale accenten in de bloemenborder. Ook prima als snijbloem te gebruiken. Hoogte 50-60 cm. Bolmaat 10/12. Zone 8-10.
Gladiolus 'Amber Mistique'
Large-flowered, soft yellow with purple gladiolus with a good stem, leaf and flower spike ratio A perfect and impressive cut flower. The plant habit creates beautiful vertical accents in the flower border. -
Gladiolus 'Blue Trophic'
Large-flowered, purple-blue Gladiolus with an extra long spike, a perfect and impressive cut flower. The plant habit creates beautiful vertical accents in the flower border. -
Gladiolus 'Chinon'
Large-flowered, red gladiolus with a good stem, leaf and flower spike ratio A perfect and impressive cut flower. The plant habit creates beautiful vertical accents in the flower border. -
Gladiolus 'Chocolate'
Large-flowered, chocolate brown Gladiolus, a perfect and impressive cut flower. The plant habit creates beautiful vertical accents in the flower border. -
Gladiolus 'Essential'
Large-flowered, white Gladiolus, a perfect and impressive cut flower. The plant habit creates beautiful vertical accents in the flower border. -
Gladiolus 'Indian Summer'
Large-flowered, plum-red gladiolus with a good stem, leaf and flower spike ratio A perfect and impressive cut flower. The plant habit creates beautiful vertical accents in the flower border. -
Gladiolus 'Karma'
Large-flowered, pink gladiolus with a good stem, leaf and flower spike ratio A perfect and impressive cut flower. The plant habit creates beautiful vertical accents in the flower border. -
Gladiolus 'Kio'
Large-flowered, green Gladiolus, a perfect and impressive cut flower. The plant habit creates beautiful vertical accents in the flower border. -
Gladiolus 'Nori'
Large-flowered, soft purple Gladiolus with an extra long spike, a perfect and impressive cut flower. The plant habit creates beautiful vertical accents in the flower border. -
Gladiolus 'Olympic Flame'
Large-flowered, apricot-orange Gladiolus, a perfect and impressive cut flower. The plant habit creates beautiful vertical accents in the flower border. -
Gladiolus 'Rusty Chestnut'
Large-flowered, chestnut-coloured Gladiolus with wavy, dainty flowers, a perfect and impressive cut flower. The plant habit creates beautiful vertical accents in the flower border. -
Gladiolus 'Showbird'
Large-flowered, purple Gladiolus, a perfect and impressive cut flower. The plant habit creates beautiful vertical accents in the flower border. -
Gladiolus 'Velvet Raspberry'
Large-flowered, purple Gladiolus, a perfect with wavy, dainty flowers and impressive cut flower. The plant habit creates beautiful vertical accents in the flower border. -
Gladiolus -Indian Summer & Adrenalin mix-
Beautiful mix of plum red and soft pink Gladiolus where the heart of the soft pink gladiolus is plum red. A perfect and impressive cut flower. The plant habit creates beautiful vertical accents in the flower border. -
Gladiolus callianthus 'Murielae'
Acidanthera bicolor murielae, white flowers with a purple spot, fragrant. Late summer- autumn flowering. -
Gladiolus colvillei 'Albus'
A small-flowered gladiolus with lightly scented, pure white flowers. A light yellow marking is visible on the lower petals. Compact growth, up to 60 cm high. -
Gladiolus grootbloemig mix
Mixture of large flowering Gladiolus. A perfect and impressive cut flower. The plant habit creates beautiful vertical accents in the flower border. -
Gladiolus nanus 'Nathalie'
Pink, with a red-yellow lip, early-flowering. The plant structure creates beautiful vertical accents in the floral border. Also great to use as a cut flower. -
Gladiolus nanus 'Nymph'
White with cerise signs. The plant structure creates beautiful vertical accents in the floral border. Also great to use as a cut flower. -
Gladiolus nanus 'Summer Bride'
Small-flowered gladiolus from the Summer Collection®. Strong and weather-resistant, also suitable for naturalising. Excellent cut flower, nice for the flower border. -
Gladiolus nanus 'Summer Jewel'
Small-flowered gladiolus from the Summer Collection®. Strong and weather-resistant, also suitable for naturalising. Excellent cut flower, nice for the flower border. -
Gladiolus nanus 'Summer Love'
Small-flowered gladiolus from the Summer Collection®. Strong and weather-resistant, also suitable for naturalising. Excellent cut flower, nice for the flower border. -
Gladiolus nanus 'Vulcano'
Fuchsia pink with dark purple. The plant structure creates beautiful vertical accents in the floral border. Also great to use as a cut flower. -
Gladiolus nanus -mix-
Mixture of small-flowered gladioli that can be used both for the border and as cut flowers in bouquets. -
Gladiolus papilio
Greyish, soft yellow bell-shaped flowers with a soft lilac-purple blush on the outside, the throat and sometimes the lower petals are marked with brown or purple-red. -
Gladiolus papilio 'Ruby'
Graceful gladiolus with ruby-red, slightly downward-curving flowers. Elegant, natural appearance. Quite hardy on sandy soils. -
Gladiolus primulinus 'Las Vegas'
Yellow with a red edge, mid-early flowering. The plant structure creates beautiful vertical accents in the floral border. Also great to use as a cut flower. -
Gladiolus tubergenii 'Charming Lady'
Small-flowered gladiolus with soft lilac-pink flowers.