A large family that includes snake’s head and imperial crowns. The imperial crowns are now classified in the Crown group and need extra fertiliser at the time of flowering to flower well again the following year. The Persian fritillary, on the other hand, needs warmth in summer for flower establishment the following year.
First learn about the growing conditions of the species where it feels most at home. There are species for a moist location such as the snake’s head, but also species that prefer drier conditions.
Fritillaria 'Aureomarginata'
Crown Imperial, Flowering period: April-May. An orange red Crown Imperial withvariegated foliage, green with a yellow edge, Height 80-100 cm. -
Fritillaria 'Early Dream'
Crown Imperial, an earlier flowering selection in a soft orange-yellow shade. Height 80-100 cm. -
Fritillaria 'Early Fantasy'
Crown Imperial, an earlier flowering selection. The top of the flower is orange-red, towards the tips soft orange. Dark leaves. -
Fritillaria 'Early Passion'
Crown Imperial, an earlier flowering selection in a soft shade of bronze yellow. Height 80-100 cm. -
Fritillaria 'Early Sensation'
Crown Imperial, an earlier flowering selection in a soft shade of yellow. Height 80-100 cm. -
Fritillaria 'Garland Star'
Crown Imperial, Flowering period: April-May. Orange-red, Height 80-100 cm. -
Fritillaria 'Helena'
Crown Imperial, Flowering period: April-May. Soft-yellow, Height 80-100 cm. -
Fritillaria 'Lutea'
Crown Imperial, Flowering period: April-May. Yellow, Height 80-100 cm. -
Fritillaria 'Orange Beauty'
Crown Imperial, orange, flowering slightly earlier than the well-known orange emperor's crowns. Height 80-100 cm. -
Fritillaria 'Paradise Beauty'
Crown Imperial, Flowering period: April-May. Bronze-yellow, Height 80-100 cm. -
Fritillaria 'Red Beauty'
Crown Imperial,a new red, healthy-growing selection, flowering slightly earlier than the well-known red emperor's crowns. Height 80-100 cm. -
Fritillaria 'Rubra'
Crown Imperial, Flowering period: April-May. Dark orange-red, Height 80-100 cm. -
Fritillaria 'Yellow Beauty'
Crown Imperial,a new yellow, healthy-growing selection, flowering slightly earlier than the well-known yellow emperor's crowns. Height 80-100 cm. -
Fritillaria acmopetala
Flowering-period: April-May. The flowers are green with maroon-purple striping. Height 40-50 cm. -
Fritillaria bucharica 'Giant'
A species native to northern Afghanistan, Tajikistan and eastern Uzbekistan. Some eight to ten white flowers with a greyish haze. Requires a dry and sunny spot during the summer months. -
Fritillaria camschatcensis
Nodding, almost black flowers with remarkable stamens. For a humid location. -
Fritillaria davisii
A wild form from the southeastern Peloponnese. Dark purple with some yellowish and green markings in the flower, a low-growing species 15 cm. Flowering time April-May. -
Fritillaria eduardii 'Sunrise'
A new, early-flowering cultivar of F. eduardii with orange-red flower colour and pretty, green to dark green leaves. Height up to one metre. -
Fritillaria elwesii
A species from southwest Turkey, where they are found as undergrowth of pine trees. Almost black, hanging bells on a slender, up to 40 cm tall stem. Flowering time April-May. -
Fritillaria meleagris
Snake's head, occurs in almost all of Europe. Mixed colours, mainly in purplish tones, often with a speckled and/or blocky pattern, but white is not lacking either. Flowering time April-May. -
Fritillaria meleagris 'Alba'
White Snake's head, flowering-period: April-May, height 20cm. -
Fritillaria michailovskyi
Beautiful Fritillaria suitable for the lightly shaded rock garden. Flowering-period: April-May. Purple-brown with a golden yellow edge. Height 15-20 cm. -
Fritillaria michailovskyi multiflora
A striking selection of F. michailovskyi. A thick cluster of up to ten bell-shaped flowers appears on a flower stem. Maroon colour with a golden yellow edge. -
Fritillaria olivieri
The species is found in the northern Zagros Mountains in Iran, in marshy meadows along streams. Green bell-shaped flowers with chocolate purple stripes. -
Fritillaria pallidiflora
An Asian speices with fairly large yellow-green flowers. The leaves have a nice blue glow. Height 35 cm. Flowering time April-May. -
Fritillaria persica
Persian lily, black purple flowers in long clusters, height 90 cm. Flowering time April-May, for a warm location. -
Fritillaria persica 'Green Dreams'
Persian Lily, dense clusters of green-purple bell-shaped flowers, height 80-100 cm. Flowering time April-May, for a warm location. -
Fritillaria persica 'Ivory Bells'®
Persian Lily, green to cream colouring bell-shaped flowers in long clusters, height 80-100 cm. Flowering time April-May, for a warm location. -
Fritillaria persica 'Magic Bells'
Persian Lily with bicoloured flowers, purple and cream, in a long spike-shaped flower cluster. Flowering time April-May, for a warm location. -
Fritillaria persica 'Minaret'
Persian Lily, black-purple flowers, densely packed in compact racemes, height 70-80 cm. Flowering time April-May, for a warm location. -
Fritillaria persica 'Purple Dynamite'
Persian Lily, the glossy flowers are blackish purple and form a 30-cm. long cluster. Height 90 cm. The leaves are also glossy. Flowering time April-May, for a warm location. -
Fritillaria persica 'Twin Tower Tribute'
Persian lily, black purple flowers in long clusters, height 80-100 cm. Twin tower Tribute produces two stem per bulb. Flowering time April-May, for a warm location. -
Fritillaria raddeana
A brilliant spring bloomer with soft greenish yellow flowers, reminiscent of a smaller and earlier flowering form of the well-known Emperor's Crown. Flowering time April-May. The species originates from places such as Afghanistan, Iran and south-east Turkey. -
Fritillaria reuteri
The plant resembles a floriferous F. michailovskyi, but the flowers are shorter and slimmer and the flower stem is longer. The bell-shaped flowers are dark brown to red in colour with a yellow edge, they are positioned horizontally and open wide. -
Fritillaria sewerzowii
An Asian species with small, pagoda-shaped flowers that are variable in colour, mostly green-yellow, sometimes brown. The elliptical leaves are grey-green and sit along a 25-30 cm tall flower stem. -
Fritillaria stenanthera
A species from Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Iran, light pink to almost white flowers on a ca. 20 cm high flower stem. Blooms early in spring and after flowering requires a dry and sunny spot during the summer months. -
Fritillaria uva-vulpis
Fox grape, chestnut-brown flowers with a yellow edge, height 30 cm. After flowering, beautiful fruiting spikes appear. Flowering time April-May.