Advantageous priced flower bulbs for the private consumer, go to our other shops.


During the holidays, we will be temporarily closed for shipment. We will start shipping again from the 6th of January 2025.

Summer-flowering bulbs will be available to order from the beginning of February.

Summer flowering

For 2025 we offer you a colourful assortment, enriched with even more bulbous and tuberous plants, perennialsĀ and gardening supplies.

Delivery of summer flowers only between February and May.

  • Rhodoxis 'Nanda'

    Rhodoxis with many bicoloured somewhat smaller flowers. Plant grows and flowers well. Rapidstar, is a breed originated from cross breeding Rhodohypoxis (redstars) with Hypoxis (yellowstars). Tuberous plant, ideal for the rock garden or as a pot plant, which flowers for months on end with proper care. Multiplies fast.
  • Rhodoxis -mix-

    Rapidstar, mixes colours,, is a breed originated from cross breeding Rhodohypoxis (redstars) with Hypoxis (yellowstars). Tuberous plant, strong grower. Ideal for the rock garden or as a pot plant, which flowers for months on end with proper care. Multiplies fast.
  • Roscoea 'Beesiana'

    Ginger Orchid, flowering from Juny, prefers a sunny or half shaded place in the border or rock garden, hardiness zone 6-9. Cream colored with purple stripes.
  • Roscoea auriculata

    Ginger Orchid, flowering from the end of Juny, prefers a sunny or half shaded place in the border or rock garden. purple, white centre.
  • Roscoea purpurea

    Ginger Orchid, flowering from the end of July, for a place in the sun or partial shade. Lilac, large flowers.
  • Roscoea purpurea 'Cinnamon Stick'

    Ginger orchid, selection with striking brown-red stems. Lilac pink flowers with a white lip.
  • Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna'

    Sage. Beautiful deep purple blue Salvia with dark stems. Tight, upright habit. Flowers long, especially if the spent flower spikes are cut away. Perrenial.
  • Sauromatum venosum

    Voodoo-lily, synonym Arum cornutum, from the Himalayas and South India. Special purple-brown inflorescence that appears in July-August and gives off an unpleasant odor.
  • Scadoxus multiflorus subsp. multiflorus

    (Haemanthus, Paintbrush), not hardy but very suitable for indoors or in containers on the terrace or in the greenhouse, hardiness zone 10-12 . Ball shaped umbel of red flowers..
  • Selaginella lepidophylla

    Rose of Jericho, Moss like evergreen for indoors or the glasshouse. Frost tender. Needs moist, but also well drained soil and a temperature of at least 10 degrees C. and does not tolerate direct sunlight. The best part is to see the odd dried-out looking plant unfold into a low-green plant after potting. The ā€œcommonā€ Rose of Jericho, top size.
    Available to order from June 2025
  • Smilacina racemosa

    False Solomon's seal. Unlike the common Solomon's seal, this perennial flowers with flower panicles instead of pendulous bell-shaped flowers. The plant can eventually grow to a height of almost 1 metre. Prefers a position in semi-shade to shade and a lime-poor but humus-rich soil.
  • Sprekelia formosissima

    Aztec Lily, Jacobean Lily, bulbous plant from Mexico and Guatemala. For a sunny place, not hardy. Beautiful, dark red flowers.
  • Tacca chantrieri

    Bat plant. An exotic, tropical plant suitable for growing at home or in a greenhouse. The purple-black flowers are enveloped by dark green to purple bracts resembling the wings of a bat. Grow in a pot, keep potting soil slightly moist, minimum temperature 5 degrees.
  • Tacca integrifolia

    Bat plant. An exotic, tropical plant suitable for growing at home or in a greenhouse. The purple-black flowers are enveloped by white bracts resembling the wings of a bat. Grow in a pot, keep potting soil slightly moist, minimum temperature 5 degrees.
  • Tigridia pavonia 'Alba Grandiflora'

    (Ferraria), height 60 cm., flowering period: July-September, every flower last for one day but they keep producing new flowers over a long period. Large and very pretty flowers. Hardiness zone 8-10. White, dark red spots in the centre.
  • Tigridia pavonia 'Aurea'

    (Ferraria), height 60 cm., flowering period: July-September, every flower last for one day but they keep producing new flowers over a long period. Large and very pretty flowers, Hardiness zone 8-10. Yellow, red spots in the centre.
  • Tigridia pavonia 'Canariensis'

    (Ferraria), height 60 cm., flowering period: July-September, every flower last for one day but they keep producing new flowers over a long period. Large and very pretty flowers, Hardiness zone 8-10. Soft-yellow, red spots in the centre.
  • Tigridia pavonia 'Lilacea'

    (Ferraria), height 60 cm. Flowering period: July/September, every flower last for one day but they keep producing new flowers over a long period. Large and very pretty flowers. Hardiness zone 8-10. Lilac-pink, red spots in the centre.
  • Tigridia pavonia 'Speciosa'

    (Ferraria), height 60 cm. Flowering period: July-September, every flower last for one day but they keep producing new flowers over a long period. Large and very pretty flowers, Hardiness zone 8-10. Red, yellow throat with red spots in the centre.
  • Tigridia pavonia mix

    (Ferraria), height 60 cm., flowering period: July-September, every flower last for one day but they keep producing new flowers over a long period. Large and very pretty flowers, Hardiness zone 8-10. Mixed colors.
  • Trillium cuneatum

    Trillium is a beautiful woodland plant for in the (semi-)shade on humus-rich soil. It takes a while for the plant to develop, the rhizome may even remain latent the first year after planting. But it is worth the wait. Red-brown upright flowers and also beautifully marked leaves.
  • Trillium erectum

    Trillium is a beautiful woodland plant for in the (semi-)shade on humus-rich soil. It takes a while for the plant to develop, the rhizome may even remain latent the first year after planting. But it is worth the wait. Small reddish brown flowers.
  • Trillium grandiflorum

    Trillium is a beautiful woodland plant for in the (semi-)shade on humus-rich soil. It takes a while for the plant to develop, the rhizome may even remain latent the first year after planting. But it is worth the wait. Pure white, large flowering variety. The most common of all trilliums.
  • Trillium grandiflorum 'Snow Bunting'

    Trillium is a beautiful woodland plant for in the (semi-)shade on humus-rich soil. It takes a while for the plant to develop, the rhizome may even remain latent the first year after planting. But it is worth the wait. Rare, pure white, double flowered variety.
  • Trillium luteum

    Trillium is a beautiful woodland plant for in the (semi-)shade on humus-rich soil. It takes a while for the plant to develop, the rhizome may even remain latent the first year after planting. But it is worth the wait. Pale yellow flowers and silver-bronzed leaves.
  • Trillium sessile

    Trillium is a beautiful woodland plant for in the (semi-)shade on humus-rich soil. It takes a while for the plant to develop, the rhizome may even remain latent the first year after planting. But it is worth the wait. Red-brown flowers, leaves mottled.
  • Triteleia laxa 'Koningin Fabiola'

    Brodiaea. Flowering time: July, height 50 cm. Violet-blue, suitable as a cut flower.
    Available to order from June 2025
  • Triteleia laxa 'Rudy'

    White flowers with a narrow blue-violet middle grain. Excellent cut flower.
  • Tropaeolum tuberosum 'Ken Aslet'

    Climber, orange-red with yellow flowers on vines, up to two meters high stems. Blooms a month earlier and also longer than T. tuberosum: from July to October.
  • Tulbaghia 'Lizzy'

    A new Tulbaghia created from a cross of T. violacea x T. leucantha. Tulbaghia 'Lizzy' is a good growing sturdy plant with strong flower stalks. Produces regular dark purple flowers on 60-70 cm high flower stalks from late May into October. The flowers are especially fragrant in sunny, windless weather. The leaves, flower and flower buds are edible. In the garden, the plants are hardy with some protection.
  • Tulbaghia violacea

    Society garlic, South African bulbous perennial for a sunny spot and with some protection hardy, zone 8. Suitable for in pots, or in the border, but also as a cut flower and as a kitchen herb. The leaves, the flower and the flower buds are edible.
  • Tulbaghia violacea 'Alba'

    Society garlic, a white form, sometimes with a hint of pink on the flowers. South African bulbous perennial for a sunny spot and with some protection hardy, zone 8. Suitable for in pots, or in the border, but also as a cut flower and as a kitchen herb. The leaves, the flower and the flower buds are edible.
  • Tulbaghia violacea 'Silver Lace'

    Society garlic, beautiful variegated form. South African bulbous perennial for a sunny spot and with some protection hardy, zone 8. Suitable for in pots, or in the border, but also as a cut flower and as a kitchen herb. The leaves, the flower and the flower buds are edible.
  • Uvularia grandiflora 'Pallida'

    Greenish Bellwort, Large merrybells. Soft yellow, nodding, wide-opening bell-shaped flowers at the end of the approx. 40 cm. long stems. Feels perfectly at home in acidic, humus-rich soil in the semi-shade. A woodland plant.
  • Verbena bonariensis 'Lollipop' Ā®

    Argentinian vervain. Long flowering border plant with an airy growth habit, often used as a weaving plant. This selection remains lower than the V. bonariensis. The flowers attract many butterflies and insects. If the winter is not too cold, the plant remains.
  • Wulfenia schwarzii

    Evergreen perennial from the mountains of south-eastern Europe. Violet-blue flowers in short spikes appear in early summer. For humus-rich soil.
  • Zantedeschia 'Caruso'

    Calla, Arum-lily, depp purple flowers, lighter on the edge. An increasingly popular pot plant, both on the terrace and in the windowsill. For the longest possible bloom throughout the summer, regular fertilising in the flowering season is important.
  • Zantedeschia 'Cheerio'

    Calla, Arum-lily, intense fuchsia pink flowers. An increasingly popular pot plant, both on the terrace and in the windowsill. For the longest possible bloom throughout the summer, regular fertilising in the flowering season is important.
  • Zantedeschia 'Lido'

    Calla, Arum-lily, orange-yellow flamed. An increasingly popular pot plant, both on the terrace and in the windowsill. For the longest possible bloom throughout the summer, regular fertilising in the flowering season is important.
  • Zantedeschia 'Odessa'

    Arum-lily, mainly summer flowering not hardy perennial. Very showy in containers but also for summer bedding. Relatively small potplants. They need regular fertilizing and watering. Dig them up before the frost and store the corms dry during the winter. need regular fertilizing and watering
  • Zantedeschia 'Solo'

    Calla, Arum-lily, yellow flowers. An increasingly popular pot plant, both on the terrace and in the windowsill. For the longest possible bloom throughout the summer, regular fertilising in the flowering season is important.
  • Zantedeschia 'White Art'

    Calla, Arum-lily, white flowers. An increasingly popular pot plant, both on the terrace and in the windowsill. For the longest possible bloom throughout the summer, regular fertilising in the flowering season is important.
  • Zantedeschia aethiopica

    Arum-lily, mainly summer flowering. Hardy, but it is better to protect the young plant against the frost until it has settled. Z. aethiopica is an evergreen when grown in the greenhouse and even flowers in winter.
    Available to order from June 2025
  • Zephyranthes candida

    Westerly Lily. Crocus-like flowers with a pink tinge. Reasonable frost resistant. Suitable for pots.
  • Zephyranthes citrina

    Peruvian swamp lily, crocus-like flowers for a sunny spot. Deep yellow flowers. Native to Mexico. Moderately hardy.