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Summer-flowering bulbs will be available to order from the 31 of January.

Other summer flowering bulbs A-L

All other summer flowering bulbs A-L.

  • Agapanthus 'Black Pantha'

    Evergreen African lily, magnificent tub plant. Deep blue-black, trumpet-shaped flowers, sprouting from almost black buds.
  • Agapanthus 'Dr. Brouwer'

    African lily, striking perennial up to 100 cm. Not very hardy in most parts of Europe. The first flowers appear in the second year after planting, large deep blue flowers.
  • Agapanthus 'Duivenbrugge White'

    African lily, striking perennial up to 90 cm. Not very hardy in most parts of Europe. The first flowers appear in the second year after planting, beautiful white variety.
  • Agapanthus 'Navy Blue'

    (Syn. A. 'Midnight Star'). African lily, magnificent tub plant. Deep blue, trumpet-shaped flowers, sturdy, purplish-green stems. Deciduous and richly flowering.
  • Agapanthus 'Polar Ice'

    African lily, a richly flowering form with large, rounded umbels on sturdy stems. Reasonably hardy in a sunny, warm position with winter cover. Otherwise also excellent as a tub plant.
  • Agapanthus 'Twister'

    African lily. Not very hardy in most parts of Europe. The first flowers appear in the second year after planting. A 'bicolor', the bi-colored flowers are blue in bud and open white.
  • Alchemilla mollis

    Lady's mantle, by combining the greenish-yellow flowers with everything. Beautiful plant for edge and box planting, perfect for use in the border.
  • Allium 'Lavender Bubbles' ®

    Compact growing shape, ornamental onion with numerous purple flowers, from August until deep into autumn. Firm and healthy dark green leaves, easy-growing plant.
  • Allium 'Millenium'

    Compact growing shape, solid gray-green leaves in which from July the numerous purple-red spherical inflorescences appear.
  • Allium 'Sugar Melt'

    A compact growing shape, sturdy leaves and an abundance of pink flowers. Long flowering.
  • Allium 'Summer Beauty'

    A rich- and exuberant growing selection. During the entire summer it shows many globular flowers.
  • Amarcrinum howardii

    (Crinodonna), a cross between Amaryllis belladonna and Crinum. It is an evergreen but not fully hardy, pink flowers, height 60-70 cm., Autumn flowering
  • Amarine Belladiva 'Anastasia'

    Deep pink. A large flowered cross between Nerine and Amaryllis. Blooms exceptionally long in the garden and in a vase. A perennial bloomer that can stay in the ground during winter when covered with straw.
  • Amarine Belladiva 'Aphrodite'

    A large flowered cross between Nerine and Amaryllis. Blooms exceptionally long in the garden and in a vase. A perennial bloomer that can stay in the ground during winter when covered with straw.
  • Amarine Belladiva 'Emanuelle'

    A large flowered cross between Nerine and Amaryllis. Blooms exceptionally long in the garden and in a vase. A perennial bloomer that can stay in the ground during winter when covered with straw.
  • Amarine Belladiva 'Tomoko'

    A large flowered cross between Nerine and Amaryllis. Blooms exceptionally long in the garden and in a vase. A perennial bloomer that can stay in the ground during winter when covered with straw. Tomoko is distinguished by its beautiful, dark flower stems.
  • Amarine Belladiva ®

    A cross between Amaryllis and Nerine, more delicate flowers compaired Nerine bowdenii in a fine mixture of red and pink shades.
  • Amarygia 'Alba'

    A cross that originated from Amaryllis belladonna x Brunsvigia josephinae. The softly scented, large white, trumpet-shaped flowers appear in late summer. A real container plant for a sunny place, which must be overwintered dry.
  • Amaryllis belladonna

    Garden amaryllis. An African plant for a sunny location. Flowers appear in the second year after planting. The pink flowers appear in late summer after the folliage dies back. Needs to be covered in winter.
  • Amorphophallus bulbifer

    (Devil’s Tongue, Snake Palm) not hardy genus, prefers temperatures above 10 °C. Very showy performance but unpleasantly scented. Not the largest of this genus but with a spate of 40 cm. still a showy performer, flowering time: June/July. The spate is mainly green with white and pink stripes and spots
  • Amorphophallus napalensis

    Devil’s Tongue, Voodoo Lily. An arum-like plant with in the middle a spadix which extends above the front covering leave.The spadix spreads a pungent smell to attract insects.
  • Anemone hybrida 'Hadspen Abundance'

    Japanese windflower, wonderful for the late summer border. Elegant, two-tone flowers, pale pink with dark pink, appear from August and bloom well into autumn. A low variety.
  • Anemone hybrida 'Honorine Jobert'

    Japanese windflower, a very coveted white form. Large, single flowers with golden yellow stamens on sturdy flower stems, develop well above the dark green leaves.
  • Anemone hybrida 'Mont-Rose'

    Japanese windflower with pale pink, semi-double flowers, where the orange-yellow stamens are still clearly visible.
  • Astrantia 'Moulin Rouge'

    (Great Masterwort), Beautiful dark-coloured Astrantia, with hand-shaped divided leaves. Ideal perennial for the mixed border, long flowering.
  • Astrantia major 'Roma'

    (Great Masterwort), ideal perennial for the mixed border, height ± 50 -75 cm., summer flowering. Pink, long lasting.
  • Astrantia major 'Snow Star'

    Delicate white flowers, floriferous. Great Masterwort, ideal, summer flowering perennial for the mixed border. Nutrient-rich soil.
  • Babiana stricta

    Dwarf growing bulbs with freesia-like flowers, 7 till 10 flowers per stem, early flowering (May). mixed but mainly blue shades, height 20 cm.
  • Babiana stricta 'Kew Hybriden'

    Dwarf growing bulbs with freesia-like flowers, 7 till 10 flowers per stem, early flowering (May). Mixture of mostly pale shades, height 12-15 cm.
  • Bessera elegans

    Coral Drops. The 10 to often 20 coral-red bell-shaped flowers are ornamented with green stripes on the outside and whitish on the inside. They form a umbel at the tip of the flower stem. Flowers late summer/early autumn. Over-winter in a frost-free place.
  • Bletilla striata

    Hyacinth orchid, originally from Japan. For humus-rich soil, hardy in the Netherlands and Belgium. Flowers in July, height 50 cm. Hardiness zone 7-9. Bulb size I. CITES: Not for Switzerland.
  • Bletilla striata 'Alba'

    Hyacinth orchid, originally from Japan. For humus-rich soil, hardy in the Netherlands and Belgium. Flowers in July, height 50 cm. Hardiness zone 7-9. Bulb size I. CITES: Not for Switzerland.
  • Bletilla striata 'Sweet Lips'

    Hyacinth orchid, originally from Japan. For humus-rich soil, hardy in the Netherlands and Belgium. Flowers in July, height 50 cm. Hardiness zone 7-9. Bulb size I. CITES: Not for Switzerland.
  • Cardiocrinum giganteum

    Giant Himalayan lily or giant lily, bulbous plantfrom the Himalayas whose flowers only develop under optimal conditions. Plant on a shady location, on nutrient-rich, well-drained soil. Needs regular fertilizing. Height 2-3 meters. Hardiness zone 8-9. Delivered in a pot.
  • Chasmanthe floribunda

    African flag, Cobra lily, a beautiful South African crop with racemes of tubular, red flowers, somewhat similar to the Crocosmia. Suitable for a position in full sun or partial shade, in well-drained, humus-rich soil. Watch out for (late) frosts.
  • Chasmanthe floribunda 'Saturnus'

    African flag, Cobra lily, a beautiful South African crop with racemes of tubular, orange-red flowers, somewhat similar to the Crocosmia. Suitable for a position in full sun or partial shade, in well-drained, humus-rich soil. Watch out for (late) frosts.
  • Chasmanthe floribunda var. ducketii

    African flag, Cobra lily, a beautiful South African crop with racemes of tubular, yellow flowers, somewhat similar to the Crocosmia. Suitable for a position in full sun or partial shade, in well-drained, humus-rich soil. Watch out for (late) frosts.
  • Chlidanthus fragrans

    A bulbous perennial from Peru, with trumpet shaped nice scenting flowers. Needs protection against frost. Height 30 cm. Hardiness zone 9-11.
  • Colocasia esculenta 'Aloha' ®

    Elephant ear, a decorative, tropical foliage plant with large, heart-shaped leaves. Aloha is a cultivar with olive green leaves and green stems. Care as a houseplant.
  • Colocasia esculenta 'Black Coral'

    Elephant ear, a decorative, tropical foliage plant with large, heart-shaped leaves. Black Coral is a dark purple cultivar with glossy leaves. The colour is maintained when the plant is placed in full sun. Care as a houseplant.
  • Colocasia esculenta 'Illustris'

    Elephant ear, a decorative, tropical foliage plant with large, heart-shaped leaves. Illustris is a cultivar in which the green veins contrast nicely on the maroon-coloured leaves. The colour is maintained when the plant is placed in full sun. Care as a houseplant.
  • Colocasia esculenta 'Mojito'

    Elephant ear, a decorative, tropical foliage plant with large, heart-shaped leaves. Mojito is a cultivar with purple-green mottled leaves, dark veins and stems. Care as a houseplant.
  • Colocasia esculenta 'White Lava'

    Elephant ear, a decorative, tropical foliage plant with large, heart-shaped leaves. White Lava is a cultivar with broad white veins in the green leaves. Care as a houseplant.
  • Convallaria majalis

    Lily-of-the-valley. Nice fragrant flowers in may. Suitable for naturalizing. Height 15-20 cm. Plant germs are supplied, which flower well from the second year after planting.
  • Convallaria majalis 'Bridal Choice'

    Lily-of-the-valley, striking selection with longer and larger flower clusters. Often used in cut flower production. Nice fragrant flowers in may. Suitable for naturalizing.
  • Convallaria majalis 'Prolificans'

    (Lily-of-the-valley), height 15-20 cm, suitable for naturalizing. Flowering is long lasting.
  • Convallaria majalis 'Rosea'

    The only lily-of-the-valley with pink flowers. The colour looks best in the shadow, in the full sun it fades. Fragrant in the May. Perfect for naturalizing.
  • Cosmos atrosanguineus

    Chocolate cosmos, dark black-red flowers, that have a chocolate fragrance. They have a long flowering period that lasts all summer and a large part of autumn. A Dahlia-related genus with fleshy roots. Originating from South and Central America.