Advantageous priced flower bulbs for the private consumer, go to our other shops.


During the holidays, we will be temporarily closed for shipment. We will start shipping again from the 6th of January 2025.

Summer-flowering bulbs will be available to order from the beginning of February.

Crocus, large-flowering

Large-flowering crocus. Flowering time: March-April.

  • Crocus 'Aqua' ®

    A semi-large-flowered crocus. The flower size is between that of the small- and large-flowered crocuses.
    Available to order from June 2025
  • Crocus 'Blue Ocean' ®

    A semi-large-flowered crocus. The flower size is between that of the small- and large-flowered crocuses.
    Available to order from June 2025
  • Crocus 'Ice Queen' ®

    A semi-large-flowered crocus. The flower size is between that of the small- and large-flowered crocuses.
    Available to order from June 2025
  • Crocus flavus 'Golden Yellow'

    Large-flowered crocuses, yellow. Flowering time: March-April. Height 15-20 cm.
    Available to order from June 2025
  • Crocus vernus 'Flower Record'

    Large flowering crocus, purple-blue. Flowering time: March-April. Height 15-20 cm.
    Available to order from June 2025
  • Crocus vernus 'Jeanne d'Arc'

    Large flowering crocus, white. Flowering time: March-April. Height 15-20 cm.
    Available to order from June 2025
  • Crocus vernus 'Remembrance'

    Large flowering crocus, dark purple-blue. Flowering time: March-April. Height 15-20 cm.
    Available to order from June 2025
  • Crocus vernus 'Silver Coral'

    Large flowering crocus, white, blue-purple at the bottom. Flowering time: March-April. Height 15-20 cm.
    Available to order from June 2025
  • Crocus vernus 'Striped Beauty'

    Large flowering crocus, blue with white striping. Flowering time: March-April. Height 15-20 cm.
    Available to order from June 2025
  • Crocus vernus 'Vanguard'

    Large flowering crocus with two different shades of pale blue. Flowering time: March-April. Height 15-20 cm.
    Available to order from June 2025
  • Crocus vernus 'Whale Shark'

    Large flowering crocus. On the outside grey-blue with violet-blue petals.
    Available to order from June 2025
  • Crocus vernus mix

    Crocus, large flowered mix. Beautiful mix with at least three colors.
    Available to order from June 2025
  • Crocus ‘Swanbury Mix’ ®

    A beautiful mixture of large-flowered and small-flowered crocuses, which doubles the flowering period. Composition: 20% large flowered blue, 10% large flowered white, 10% large flowered striped, 5% large flowered yellow, 10% 'Goldilocks', 10% chrysanthus ‘Ard Schenk’, 10% etruscus 'Zwanenburg’, 5% chrysanthus ‘Fuscotinctus’ and 20% tommasinianus ‘Ruby Giant’
    Available to order from June 2025