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Summer-flowering bulbs will be available to order from the 31 of January.


Leucojum includes Summer snowflake, Loddon lily and autumn snowflake, also known as fairy bells. We offer the latter among the autumn-flowering bulbous plants.

Leucojum aestivum and L. vernum like a nutritious, moist soil.

The flowers are reminiscent of those of a snowdrop, but they are larger. And a small green tip is visible on each end of a petal.

  • Leucojum aestivum

    Summer snowflake or Loddon lily, pending bell-shaped flowers, white with green dots. The bulbous flower resembles the well-known snowflake. But is larger. Flowering time: May. Plant the bulb in moist soil 15-20 cm. deep.Height 50 cm.
  • Leucojum aestivum 'Gravetye Giant'

    Summer snowflake or Loddon lily, pending bell-shaped flowers, white with green dots. The bulbous flower resembles the well-known snowflake. But is larger and flowers in April-May. Height to 75 cm. in the right circumstances.
  • Leucojum vernum

    Summer snowflake or Loddon lily, pending bell-shaped flowers, white with green dots. The bulbous flower resembles the well-known snowflake. But is larger. Spring Snowflake, April-May flowering, height 20 cm. Needs a cool, moist place in the shadow.