Narcissus, jonquilla daffodils
Division 7
Jonquilla daffodils of garden origin Characteristics of the N. jonquilla group clearly evident: usually one to three flowers to a rounded stem; leaves narrow, dark green; perianth segments spreading not reflexed; flowers fragrant.
Anemone 'Mr. Fokker' & Narcissus 'Angel's Whisper'
Delicious scented daffodils combined with beautiful blue anemones. Of both 50%. -
Narcissus 'Anfield'
Multi-flowered jonquil with golden yellow flowers. Initially the cup is orange. Deliciously fragrant. -
Narcissus 'Angel's Whisper'
Delightfully fragrant, multi-flowered Jonquille. Up to five soft yellow flowers with globular cup per stem. Naturalising. -
Narcissus 'Beautiful Eyes' ®
Fragrant, multi-flowered Jonquille. The beautifully rounded flowers open soft yellow and colour to ivory-white. Around the orange-red cup, the flower is soft yellow at the base. Naturalising. -
Narcissus 'Chico'
Fragrant Jonquille with usually two flowers per stem. The flowers open yellow and fade to bright white. Naturalising. -
Narcissus 'Dainty Miss'
Fragrant jonquil with glittering white flowers. -
Narcissus 'Hillstar'
Lemon yellow fading into white at the base. Multi-flowering. Height 25 cm. -
Narcissus 'Kokopellii'
Firm and rich flowering daffodil, multiflorous, yellow flower with a dark yellow cup. -
Narcissus 'Martinette'
Scented Tazetta-Daffodil. Yellow with an orange corolla, 5-7 flowers per stem. -
Narcissus 'Petrel'
Beautiful small daffodil, with ivory white flowers, multi-flowering. A long-lasting daffodil. Late flowering variety. Height 30 cm. -
Narcissus 'Pipers Barn'
Fragrant Jonquille with usually two flowers per stem. The flowers open yellow and fade to bright white. Naturalising. -
Narcissus 'Pueblo'
White with a pale-yellow corolla. Multi-flowering. Height 25 cm. -
Narcissus 'Sabrosa'
Soft yellow, fragrant flowers. Multi-flowered and floriferous. -
Narcissus 'Sailboat'
A very small daffodil, white with a yellow corolla. Nicely scented, multi-flowering and naturalizes well. Height only 25 cm. -
Narcissus 'Sailors's Choice'®
A mixture consisting of the Narcissus ‘Sailboat’ and Yellow Sailboat’, both multi-flowering daffodils with an equal height and flowering time. A mixture of yellow and white daffodils that fit well together. -
Narcissus 'Yellow Sailboat'
A very small daffodil, yellow. Nicely scented, multi-flowering and naturalizes well. Height only 25 cm. -
Narcissus jonquilla var. henriquesii
Very abundant flowering, several (six-eight) flower stems appear per bulb from which three to five wonderfully scented golden yellow flowers emerge per stem.