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Make your choice from our extensive and renewed 2024 assortment. Flower bulbs are delivered in the planting time, autumn.

Hippeastrum, Double Galaxy group

Double Galaxy Group: double-flowered, flower diameter larger than 16 cm, petals overlapping by more than 50%.

  • Hippeastrum 'Akiko'®

    White, double-flowered Hippeastrum. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Amadeus Candy' ®

    Amaryllis, white with pink at the tips of the petals. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Amarantia' ®

    Dark red flowers. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Amazing Belle'®

    Large, white, pink-red striped flowers. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Aphrodite'

    Pink and white, double-flowered. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Aquaro'®

    White with slightly pink double flowers. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Cherry Nymph'®

    Cherry red. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Double Delicious' ®

    Beautiful red Amaryllis. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Doublet'®

    Amaryllis, white with pink stripes over the pointed petals. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Elvas'

    White with red stripes. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Flamed Amadeus' ®

    Very large, white with red double-flowers. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Flamingo Amadeus' ®

    Very large red-pink double flowers with white veins. Flower size 21 cm. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Giant Amadeus' ®

    Salmon pink with white, very large flower. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Marilyn'®

    Double white flowers, lime green from the heart. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Party Nymph'®

    Cherry red with white. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Picobello Majesty'®

    Double white flowers, delicate red edge. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Pink Symphony'®

    Double fuchsia pink flowers. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Polar Belle'®

    White. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Pretty Amadeus' ®

    Large, white, double flower with irregular, narrow, red stripes. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Scarlet Belle'®

    Red. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Splash'®

    Bright red with a white center, unusual shaped flowers. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Striped Amadeus'®

    Very large, white with pink double-flowers. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Sweet Amadeus' ®

    Large, salmon-pink, double flower with white stripes. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Sweet Nymph' ®

    Pink. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'Velvet Nymph'®

    Warm red. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September
  • Hippeastrum 'White Amadeus' ®

    Very large, white double-flowers. Double Galaxy Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
    Delivery NOT for the end of September