Fritillaria, other
Species, flowering-period: April-May. The smaller Fritillaries must be planted at once because the bulbs are very susceptible to drying out.
Fritillaria acmopetala
Flowering-period: April-May. The flowers are green with maroon-purple striping. Height 40-50 cm. -
Fritillaria bucharica 'Giant'
A species native to northern Afghanistan, Tajikistan and eastern Uzbekistan. Some eight to ten white flowers with a greyish haze. Requires a dry and sunny spot during the summer months. -
Fritillaria camschatcensis
Nodding, almost black flowers with remarkable stamens. For a humid location. -
Fritillaria davisii
A wild form from the southeastern Peloponnese. Dark purple with some yellowish and green markings in the flower, a low-growing species 15 cm. Flowering time April-May. -
Fritillaria eduardii 'Sunrise'
A new, early-flowering cultivar of F. eduardii with orange-red flower colour and pretty, green to dark green leaves. Height up to one metre. -
Fritillaria elwesii
A species from southwest Turkey, where they are found as undergrowth of pine trees. Almost black, hanging bells on a slender, up to 40 cm tall stem. Flowering time April-May. -
Fritillaria meleagris
Snake's head, occurs in almost all of Europe. Mixed colours, mainly in purplish tones, often with a speckled and/or blocky pattern, but white is not lacking either. Flowering time April-May. -
Fritillaria meleagris 'Alba'
White Snake's head, flowering-period: April-May, height 20cm. -
Fritillaria michailovskyi
Beautiful Fritillaria suitable for the lightly shaded rock garden. Flowering-period: April-May. Purple-brown with a golden yellow edge. Height 15-20 cm. -
Fritillaria michailovskyi multiflora
A striking selection of F. michailovskyi. A thick cluster of up to ten bell-shaped flowers appears on a flower stem. Maroon colour with a golden yellow edge. -
Fritillaria olivieri
The species is found in the northern Zagros Mountains in Iran, in marshy meadows along streams. Green bell-shaped flowers with chocolate purple stripes. -
Fritillaria pallidiflora
An Asian speices with fairly large yellow-green flowers. The leaves have a nice blue glow. Height 35 cm. Flowering time April-May. -
Fritillaria persica
Persian lily, black purple flowers in long clusters, height 90 cm. Flowering time April-May, for a warm location. -
Fritillaria persica 'Green Dreams'
Persian Lily, dense clusters of green-purple bell-shaped flowers, height 80-100 cm. Flowering time April-May, for a warm location. -
Fritillaria persica 'Ivory Bells'®
Persian Lily, green to cream colouring bell-shaped flowers in long clusters, height 80-100 cm. Flowering time April-May, for a warm location. -
Fritillaria persica 'Magic Bells'
Persian Lily with bicoloured flowers, purple and cream, in a long spike-shaped flower cluster. Flowering time April-May, for a warm location. -
Fritillaria persica 'Minaret'
Persian Lily, black-purple flowers, densely packed in compact racemes, height 70-80 cm. Flowering time April-May, for a warm location. -
Fritillaria persica 'Purple Dynamite'
Persian Lily, the glossy flowers are blackish purple and form a 30-cm. long cluster. Height 90 cm. The leaves are also glossy. Flowering time April-May, for a warm location. -
Fritillaria persica 'Twin Tower Tribute'
Persian lily, black purple flowers in long clusters, height 80-100 cm. Twin tower Tribute produces two stem per bulb. Flowering time April-May, for a warm location. -
Fritillaria raddeana
A brilliant spring bloomer with soft greenish yellow flowers, reminiscent of a smaller and earlier flowering form of the well-known Emperor's Crown. Flowering time April-May. The species originates from places such as Afghanistan, Iran and south-east Turkey. -
Fritillaria reuteri
The plant resembles a floriferous F. michailovskyi, but the flowers are shorter and slimmer and the flower stem is longer. The bell-shaped flowers are dark brown to red in colour with a yellow edge, they are positioned horizontally and open wide. -
Fritillaria sewerzowii
An Asian species with small, pagoda-shaped flowers that are variable in colour, mostly green-yellow, sometimes brown. The elliptical leaves are grey-green and sit along a 25-30 cm tall flower stem. -
Fritillaria stenanthera
A species from Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Iran, light pink to almost white flowers on a ca. 20 cm high flower stem. Blooms early in spring and after flowering requires a dry and sunny spot during the summer months. -
Fritillaria uva-vulpis
Fox grape, chestnut-brown flowers with a yellow edge, height 30 cm. After flowering, beautiful fruiting spikes appear. Flowering time April-May.