Aardorchidee, herkomst o.a. Taiwan op plaatsen met koele, vochtige zomers en droge winters. Redelijk winterhard, zone 8-10.
Bletilla striata
Hyacinth orchid, originally from Japan. For humus-rich soil, hardy in the Netherlands and Belgium. Flowers in July, height 50 cm. Hardiness zone 7-9. Bulb size I. CITES: Not for Switzerland. -
Bletilla striata 'Alba'
Hyacinth orchid, originally from Japan. For humus-rich soil, hardy in the Netherlands and Belgium. Flowers in July, height 50 cm. Hardiness zone 7-9. Bulb size I. CITES: Not for Switzerland. -
Bletilla striata 'Sweet Lips'
Hyacinth orchid, originally from Japan. For humus-rich soil, hardy in the Netherlands and Belgium. Flowers in July, height 50 cm. Hardiness zone 7-9. Bulb size I. CITES: Not for Switzerland. -
Epipactis gigantea
Helleborine, Wasp orchid, a robust form, native to North America. Upright greenish orange flowers. Preferably plant in a slightly moist, humus-rich soil. Propagated through rhizomes, delivered in a 11 cm pot, well rooted. CITES: not for Switzerland. -
Epipactis gigantea red leaf x thunbergii
Helleborine, a cross between an American and an Asian species. Strong grower with a large number of bronze orange flowers. Preferably plant in a slightly moist, humus-rich soil. Propagated through rhizomes, delivered in a 11 cm pot, well rooted. CITES: not for Switzerland. -
Epipactis palustris
Marsh helleborine, an orchid that occurs in the Netherlands and Belgium. Green, brown-white flowers. Propagated through rhizomes, delivered in a 11 cm pot, well rooted. CITES: not for Switzerland. -
Epipactis royleana
An orchid native to the Himalayas, growing in moist meadows. The purple-red flowers appear in a loose cluster. Delivered in a 11 cm pot, well rooted. CITES: not for Switzerland.
Epipactis thunbergii 'Kariuzawa'
Helleborine, a form native to northern Japan. Vigorous grower with bronze-coloured flowers. Preferably plant in a slightly moist, humus-rich soil. Propagated through rhizomes, delivered in a 11 cm pot, well rooted. CITES: not for Switzerland.
Pleione 'Glacier Peak'
Earth orchid, white flowers. (P. formosana alba x P. grandiflora) Suitable for in a pot, use well-drained potting. Hardy to -5 degrees. -
Pleione 'Tongariro'
Earth orchid, origin, among others, Taiwan in places with cool, humid summers and dry winters. Species with an intense purple color. CITES = not for Switserland. -
Pleione formosana
Orchid, originated from Taiwan and other places in Asia with cool, humid summers and dry winters. Moderately hardy. CITES: not for Switserland.