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Summer-flowering bulbs will be available to order from the 31 of January.

Hippeastrum, Butterfly group

Butterfly Group: single flowered, any flower diameter, petals overlapping by less than 50% and narrowly elliptical in shape with at least three ovoid to inverted ovoid petals, pistil and stamens about the same length as the petals, the length and width of the inner three petals are in the ratio of about 8:1 or smaller. Usually, the plane formed by the spread petals makes an angle of about 60 degrees with the vertical axis of the stem of the inflorescence.

  • Hippeastrum 'Bogota'®

    Red with slightly green and pink, extremely shaped Cybister, special. Spider Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
  • Hippeastrum 'Exotic Star'®

    Beautiful rather small flowers, in a color combination of red, white and green. Butterfly Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
  • Hippeastrum 'Mystica' ®

    Flower green with red, Butterfly Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
  • Hippeastrum 'Red Amazone' ®

    Deep Red. Butterfly Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
  • Hippeastrum 'Wild Amazone' ®

    Lime green with terra. Butterfly Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.
  • Hippeastrum papilio

    Wide funnel-shaped flower, greenish yellow with purplish-brown nerves. Butterfly Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the soil. Use a large pot with a drainage hole. For development of the stem, warmth is especially important, therefore it is best to keep it at room temperature. Needs little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and the leaf appears, the amaryllis needs to be watered daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting up before it comes into bloom.