Narcissus, trumpet daffodils
Division 1
One flower to a stem; corona (''trumpet'') as long as or longer than the perianth segments (''petals'').
Narcissen ‘Swanbury Yellow’ ®
Mixture of three different yellow daffodils (trumpet narcissus), one early, one mid-early and one late variety to extend the total flowering season. All suitable for naturalizing. Bulb size 12/14 -
Narcissus 'Arctic Gold'
Deep yellow daffodil, very suitable for naturalizing. height 40 cm. -
Narcissus 'Arkle'
Yellow Trumpet-daffodil, Height 45 cm. A very good substitute for older varieties like ‘Golden Harvest’ and ‘Exception’. -
Narcissus 'Broughshane'
A strong white Trumpet-daffodil, initially the trumpet is coloured soft yellow, as flowering progresses it turns white. Weather resistant. Height 40 cm. Limited available. -
Narcissus 'Classic Garden'
Trumpet daffodil, golden yellow flower with a bright orange trumpet on a sturdy stem. Excellent cut flower. -
Narcissus 'Dutch Master' 12/14
Early flowering Trumpet-Narcissus. -
Narcissus 'Elka'
Nice little trumpet daffodil, at first ivory-white with a pale yellow trumpet, later on completely white. Height 15-20 cm. -
Narcissus 'Fulfilment'
Beautiful trumpet daffodil, soft yellow flowers with a warm orange trumpet. -
Narcissus 'Gipsy Queen'
A miniature trumpet daffodil, with white-soft yellow flowers. The trumpet is proportionally long to the flower. Lovely for the rock garden or at the front of the flower bed. -
Narcissus 'Holland Sensation'
White with a large yellow trumpet, large flower. Height 45-50 cm. -
Narcissus 'Lemon Shake'
Trumpet daffodil, soft yellow flowers. -
Narcissus 'Mount Hood'
Creamy-white. Later on fading into totally white. -
Narcissus 'Orange Sunset'
White with wide-ranging orange trumpet, golden to the base, good sun-resistant. Moreover, wonderfully scented. -
Narcissus 'Pink Parasol'
White with a pale pink trumpet. -
Narcissus 'Rijnvelds Early Sensation'
Very early flowering Trumpet-daffodil, pale yellow with a mid-size trumpet. Height 45-50 cm. -
Narcissus 'Standard Value'
Yellow trumpet daffodil. Suitable for naturalizing. -
Narcissus 'Topolino'
Early flowering trumpet daffodil, great for naturalising.